Prerna Rao
A picture of me with my dog Xolo sitting on my shoulder
Helloo! 👋
I'm Prerna, and I'm interested in Human-Computer Interaction focusing on accessibility; at the intersection of research and design for equity, inclusivity, and diversity in technology.

I am second-year MS-HCDE student at the University of Washington, Seattle. Prior to this, I was a Software Engineering Specialist at GE Healthcare.
I am also on the core team at Sitara Akka Foundation, where I do my best to help provide accessible education to learners from underserved communities. In my spare time, I love to trek, cook, read, sketch, or think (or most often, just kick back and take a nap).

Being from a cultural soup of a family, I look forward to understanding and designing for and through our diverse collective experiences!

Fun Facts:
  1. I'm a polyglot! Yes, that's just a fancy way of saying I know 5 languages, and am trying to learn a 6th. So if you ever need a translator, you know who to reach out to :)
  2. I try to visit the Himalayas at least once every year. Can't wait until my next trek! 🗻🧗‍♀️
  3. Out of the 16 personality types, mine is an INFP-A with Confident Individualism 😊
  4. On WizardingWorld (né, Pottermore), I belong to Hufflepuff, with a Dun Mare Patronus ✨
  5. I have a little puppy - Xolo, and two passively adopted puppies - Leo and Bhairav. One day, I hope to have a home full of four-legged creatures 🐕
  6. Talk to me about Avatar: The Last Airbender (not the movie) ANYTIME you like! 🔥
  7. If I could, I'd have an alternate career in culinary arts. In my free time you will find me drowning in butter or garlic or both 🍜

Feel free to reach out to me for any discussion or collaboration. Thanks!